Friends of Whatipū

Friends of Whātipu (FOW) is an incorporated group who have knowledge of and links with the Whatipu area and have resolved to act as guardians of the area, helping to preserve its special character, and where possible assist the Auckland Council.

FOW have annual planting days, a beach clean-up, seed collecting and a group stay at Whātipu Lodge. Our stay at Whātipu Lodge has a guest speaker and shared Saturday night meal.

FOW have a long term goal to release kiwi in the Whātipu landscape. It is our intention to be trained for best practice predator control, to rid the region of mammal pests, including, opossum, rats, mustelids (stoats etc), wild cats and for dogs to no longer be taken into the area. Dogs are already banned from the Whātipu Scientific Reserve (being the wetlands and beach area) and yet people still continue to take them to the beach.

Kiwi once thrived in the region. 

FOW manage a survey of shorebirds. There are about 3 or 4 pairs of New Zealand Dotterels found on the tidal dune area of the beach between Whātipu and Karekare. Over 10 years of monitoring FOW have recorded 31 fledged chicks. The estimated population of NZ Dotterels is approx 1700. 

To join Friends of Whātipu please email for details. $10 for individuals and $15 for families.

See more at Friends of Whatipu on Facebook.

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